Jo’s Boudoir Experience - Guest Blog

Hey there, lovelies! Today, I want to spill the beans about my incredible journey Bougie Boudoir Studio. I was a bundle of nerves before my shoot, but boy, did this experience turn my world upside down—in the best way possible! So grab a cuppa, get cozy, and let me take you on a wild ride through my nervous yet empowering boudoir adventure.


Alright, let's kick things off with the prep work, because girl, they left no stone unturned in making me feel like a goddess. First up, the spray tan. I headed to a fantastic tanning place a couple of days before the shoot, and let me tell you, it was like getting a sunny vacation without the sunscreen. I emerged with a golden glow that made me feel absolutely radiant!


Next came the day of the shoot….oh my word I was so nervous when I walked into the studio! Reina greeted me and escorted me to the dressing room where I got to put a robe on and get started with some hair and makeup wizardry. Emily had some serious magic up her sleeves. She took my natural features and worked her charm to enhance them in the most beautiful way. I couldn't help but feel like a superstar, ready to rock the camera like nobody's business!


Oh, sweet heaven! You won't believe what awaited me in the client closet. It was like stepping into a dreamy wonderland of stunning outfits and jaw-dropping lingerie. Reina pulled several outfits for me; she knew just how to match the outfits to my style and body type, and boy, did she knock it out of the park! Trying on those gorgeous pieces made me feel like a vixen, ready to slay and conquer the world.


Okay, let's talk about the shoot itself. I'll admit, the nerves were still doing a little dance in my tummy, but Reina was an absolute rockstar. She created an atmosphere that oozed comfort and support. Her friendly and professional vibes helped me shake off my initial jitters faster than you can say "cheese"!


I'm telling you, she had the magic touch when it came to directing poses and expressions, she even showed me some of the more difficult poses, which made it 100x easier than explaining. Honestly, I was so busy working through the poses and following directions that I forgot that I was supposed to be nervous! But here's the exciting part, my friends. As we went through the shoot, Reina would show me pictures on the back of the camera. And let me tell you, I couldn't believe my eyes. That was me, right there, staring back at me, looking drop-dead gorgeous. It was like a pinch-me moment, witnessing the transformation unfold right before my eyes. Those images on the camera screen ignited a spark of confidence that I didn't know existed within me. I couldn't believe how effortlessly she captured the essence of my true self through the lens. She knew the exact poses and angles to showcase my inner radiance and unleash my fierce confidence.

 After the shoot, I couldn't wait to see all the images. The anticipation was real, my friends. But let me tell you, when I sat down and saw my pictures for the first time, my heart skipped a beat. I was completely and utterly awestruck by what I saw on that screen. The images radiated empowerment and self-love in ways I had never experienced before.


Every photo revealed a side of me I had always underestimated—a strong, fierce, and confident woman who deserved to embrace her beauty unapologetically. It was a transformational moment. The boudoir shoot had not only captured my outer allure but also the strength and resilience that had always been there, just waiting to be unleashed.


To say that this boudoir experience changed my perspective on self-image would be an understatement. It was like a wake-up call, reminding me that I am worthy of celebrating my body and my femininity. It taught me to embrace my flaws, appreciate my unique beauty, and cherish the woman I am, inside and out.

And let's not forget about the beautiful album I purchased! Those printed images hold a special place in my heart. They are tangible reminders of the journey I undertook, a keepsake that I can hold in my hands and cherish for years to come. In a digital age where everything seems temporary, having those printed images is a powerful reminder of my own self-love and empowerment.


So, if you find yourself feeling nervous about taking the plunge into a boudoir shoot, let my experience be your guide! If you’re still unsure, book a consultation with Reina and she will answer all your questions. Trust me, a luxury boudoir experience with Bougie Boudoir Studio is an empowering journey that will leave you breathless and eager for more. It's all about embracing your vulnerability and rediscovering the stunning, confident, and utterly remarkable individual you truly are.

There you have it, ladies—my boudoir adventure from nervousness to radiant confidence. It was a rollercoaster ride of emotions, but one that I wouldn't trade for the world. The Bougie Boudoir experience is a gateway to self-discovery, self-love, and unapologetic celebration of your unique beauty.


So go ahead, take that leap of faith, and let the magic happen. Step into a world where nervousness turns into confidence and where the camera becomes a mirror reflecting your true, extraordinary self. Trust me, you won't regret it. Embrace your radiance, my lovelies, and let your inner beauty shine like never before!


Jo’s Boudoir Shoot - My Perspective


Why I shoot boudoir photography