Busting Excuses - Why You Don’t Need to Fear Boudoir

As women ourselves here at Bougie Boudoir, we understand the complex emotions that we experience when considering a boudoir shoot. It's a vulnerable and intimate experience that can trigger a range of fears and hesitations. Here are some common fears that might be holding you back from embracing this empowering journey of self-discovery.


My Body and Face Aren’t Good Enough, and Definitely Not "Perfect":

I've come across countless women who express their fear of not meeting the unrealistic beauty standards perpetuated by society. But boudoir photography is not about being perfect; it's about embracing your beauty and individuality, and letting go of the importance we place on our “imperfections”. Trust me when I say that at Bougie Boudoir Studio, we know how to capture your essence and highlight your best features. Allow yourself the freedom to be seen as the breathtaking woman you truly are. We are hear to tear down the walls you’ve built around yourself and the limiting beliefs that you’ve told yourself. You ARE beautiful, and I’ll prove it to you.

Everyday to SLAY


I Don’t Have Time To Do a Boudoir Shoot:

As busy women, we juggle multiple roles, it's understandable that you may feel apprehensive about taking time for yourself. But here's the truth: self-care is not selfish; it's a necessity. A boudoir shoot with us about Bougie Boudoir is a full-day experience, because we want you to have the experience that you deserve….not just squeeze it into your day. That time allows you to reconnect with your sensuality, rediscover your inner strength, and boost your self-esteem. Consider it an investment in your overall well-being. You deserve this time to embrace your femininity and celebrate the incredible woman that you are, both inside and out.


I’m Afraid of What My Friends & Relatives Will Think:

The fear of being judged is a common concern that often holds women back from experiencing the transformative power of a boudoir shoot. Remember that this experience is about you and your journey towards self-acceptance. The opinions of others should never dim the light that radiates from within you. Surround yourself with a supportive and empowering network, and know that we will create a safe space for you to express yourself authentically. This is a deeply personal experience and decision, and one that you don’t even have to share with anyone.  


I’m Afraid That This Experience is Out of My Budget:

I completely understand that the cost of a luxury boudoir shoot may raise hesitations. However, it's essential to view it as an investment in yourself, your self-confidence, and your personal growth. The experience of a boudoir shoot goes far beyond just capturing stunning images; it's about embracing your sensuality, reclaiming your power, and celebrating your unique beauty. We offer flexible payment plans to make this empowering experience accessible to as many women as possible, because we believe that every woman deserves the opportunity to indulge in this transformative journey, regardless of their budgetary constraints. So, don't let financial concerns hold you back from embracing the incredible experience of a boudoir shoot – let us work with you to create a plan that suits your needs and helps you invest in yourself!

And these are just SOME of the fears that we hear about when we talk to women….there are plenty more! What are your fears? If you’re ready to face them then and have your OWN boudoir experience, we are ready and waiting for you!

It’s such a privilege to be part of a movement of women, wanting to move forward and take charge of their self-love. It would be an honor to be part of your journey, as well.

Ready to book your own boudoir experience?


Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions about Boudoir


Why I Don’t Recommend “Babydoll” Outfits For Your Boudoir Shoot.